I’m Julia.
Certified Life-Cycle Celebrant. RItual artisan. Storyteller. Space Holder.
I care a lot about stories; yours, mine, and ours.
There’s a chest in my home filled with over 20 journals that I’ve kept since I was 8 years old. Writing was my first meditation practice; the outlet through which I could best understand my thoughts and experiences.
As my career path led me through various types of storytelling over the years (marketing, facilitation, event design), I devoted a significant amount of time to figuring out which stories I am meant to tell.
While searching for my purpose, somewhere along the way, I realized that the story I am meant to tell is my own. I knew it included finding a way to create spaces (virtually and in real life) for people to feel seen, heard, connected, and cared for. I knew in my soul that crafting a place to get quiet and go deeper; to explore what we need to feel our very best, is essential. I learned that building this space - for myself and for others - is what I am built for.
Through sharing creative examples of my personal practice, posting my writing and experimenting with intentional in-person and virtual offerings, Glass Full continues to grow as a community of humans that allow me to hold space for their journeys back to themselves.
Ever-evolving alongside me, Glass Full is my mirror, always showing me that I pour out most powerfully if I am full. Since the practice of maintaining my own fullness is a priority and my calling, nothing delights me more than supporting your journey to living a full life.
The beliefs that guide me
We all deserve to be seen, heard, and cared for by others and by ourselves. Nothing we ever do could change how worthy we are of this.
Mindfulness allows us to greet the magic that awaits and gratitude is what lets us absorb it. When we start to notice the good in our lives, it multiplies.
Journaling untangles our thoughts - there is infinite power in words on a page. Even when it feels hard or like there’s nothing to say, journaling creates the space we need to feel.
Love is a catalyst
Love is a catalyst. We expand in so many ways when we align ourselves to the vibration of love.
As cyclical beings, made to shift, flow, and grow, our needs won’t always be the same. It’s okay to explore and re-align with what feels best for us in every season.
feel it all
The human experience is naturally filled with simultaneous conflicting emotions; we heal when we feel it all. Consciousness of life’s duality is a potent mindset, forever reminding us that we inherently carry the ability to hold multiple strong emotions at once.
A few nice things I’ve witnessed lately:
Overheard a couple making plans and one said “it would be nice for us to offer to pick them up and drop them off so that they can have more fun”.
Noticing the late-summer light shift as the days get shorter and the shadows dance in new and different ways.
I was holding too many bags and standing on the bus. A stranger nodded at the seat beside them and kindly, gently said “you should have a seat”.
Get in touch
Interested in collaboration or just want to chat? I’d love to hear from you. Get in touch and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
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