Some Truths

When these new normal days feel directionless, all blending into one, it has been helpful for me to keep a list in my journal of my Truths.

These are the things I know to be true about myself.

It's felt grounding and very comforting to see in ink my guiding pillars, my manifestos, my manual. It's felt like a practice in self-connection, in tethering my soul to this moment.

🌻🐝It's a reminder that even when life's breeze is strong, I am firmly rooted. My purpose as inherent as a honey bee's.🌻🐝

Sharing a snippet of my Truths here in case this practice resonates with you, too:

1. You'll always feel a little bit better after a walk.
2. You are fueled by a good sky - sunsets, moody clouds, a starry night. This is magic to you that never gets old and must be sought.
3. Yellow has always been your favourite colour.
4. Journaling is your outlet. You have the heart of a writer. Every single hard and/or great thing that has happened to you has been processed through the pages of past journals.
5. Pizza is better cold.
6. You are here to love and serve.
7. The world is a better place when you have the courage to show up with honest authenticity.
8. Reading is one of your life's greatest pleasures. You don't feel like yourself if you've gone a few days without reading.
10. You need to sleep on things before you make decisions.
11. You worry too much and you often try to control/plan every outcome. It's helpful to gently check your own mindset and notice when you need to surrender.
12. You can't pass up a chocolate chip cookie.
13. Your love language is acts of service. And flowers. Always flowers.
14. Meditation is a necessary part of your well-being.

I'd love to know one of your truths in the comments or meet me in my stories 💕


Open heart to open heart


Life is nonlinear