Liminal Spaces

I caught it starting on Wednesday.

That feeling of nostalgia creeping in and settling in your heart before a vacation has even ended. It began with the first realization that the week was already halfway through, and then it continued to spread when we left our villa and said goodbye to family and friends, heading for a hotel closer to the airport.

It took hold yesterday, reminding me that this is the last sunset, the last dinner, the last sleep.

I'm writing this just after 6 in the morning and our flight doesn't leave for another 12 hours. I think nostalgia is a feeling of being caught between two places and today, that's quite literal as I wake up in Montego Bay and will fall asleep in my bed at home in Toronto.

What an opportunity to allow myself to soak.

To acknowledge the sad, bittersweetness of an ending without allowing it to take over. To steep in the gratitude I feel for this time away and the good it did for my spirit. To acknowledge the deep rest that comes from removing myself from survival mode. To squeeze every last drop out of these final hours.

I often find myself writing and reflecting on these liminal spaces, they may not be the most comfy but there's a lot of magic here.


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