Expecting Magic

Last night, I received a calendar notification for today that just said "Lucky Day!"

I was confused, but delighted. I had absolutely no memory of putting that in my calendar, but I assumed it was something I must have done months ago. I checked the calendar event and there was no description, just a full day block for "lucky day". I did some googling and ended up finding an article from January 28th called "The Luckiest Day of 2020 for Each Zodiac Sign". And as you can guess, for us Leos the lucky day happens to be today!

In many ways, today is just a regular work from home day for me, nothing too exciting or out of the ordinary.

The difference is that I woke up today expecting magic. I woke up today knowing that it would be filled with synchronicity. I woke up today feeling✨💫lucky. All because of a calendar notification in my phone.

It made me wonder - what would life be like if I made the effort to wake up every single day expecting magic?


Safekeeping creativity


More than Moments