Stepping into Unknowns
My partner and I have been moving for two weeks.
Today is the last day and tonight we'll finally fall asleep in our new home. As I take a quick moment to myself this morning, I'm thinking about the energy of moving.
No matter how organized you are, it is inherently chaotic.
Taking a whole life and uprooting it, seeing everything you own squished into tiny corners of boxes, slipped into tote bags. Carried out and transplanted. Finding new sun spots for old plants, new nooks to rest in, adjusting to new creaks and smells, to each other.
It's quite a sensory experience.
Taking care of myself in this time of uprooting has looked like constant reminders to be tender with myself. When you re-pot a plant you have to gently loosen the roots. That's what these past two weeks have been, gently allowing my roots to loosen in order to create room for something new.
If you're moving through any kind of change, here's a gentle reminder to treat yourself with tenderness💕💕